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Jose Benjamin Falck-Zepeda, Ph.D.

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My agricultural, animal science & advanced economics education skills and work experience over 27 years allows me to focus on tasks and innovative research questions, leading to policy and communications and outreach capacities that support impacts.


I have advanced degrees in agricultural economics and animal science which coupled with analytical skills including econometric/statistics, risk simulation, policy analysis, and communication and outreach skills'; all which have empowered me to seek solutions to policy issues and questions.


I am a world class expert on the economics analysis of the nexus where technology impact assessment, biotechnology, biosafety, science, technology and innovation, and regulatory processes converge. Supporting this statement is my membership in the Committee commissioned by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine that elaborated a report on genetic engineering, as well as expert committees and high-level policy dialogues convened by FAO, OECD, APEC, IADB and the World Bank.


I am the author or co-author of more than 45 peer-reviewed publications and special journal issues, 27 flagship publications, working and discussion papers, 3 books, 33 book chapters, 27 final project reports and more than 100 presentations in academic conferences and international policy forums. I have completed projects funded by Gates Foundation, USAID, USDA, IDRC-Canada, Templeton Foundation, UC-Davis/PIPRA, CGIAR-PIM, and other donors as project lead, co-lead, and investigator.

My latest Google Scholar profile shows 3948 citations over professional life, h-index=29 and i10-index 58 

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