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DREAMpy is an open source software that allows users to directly input data and generate their output in Excel worksheets. It builds on the original DREAM software and includes intuitive, user-friendly navigation. DREAMpy can simulate four market models: Horizontal Multimarket, Closed Economy, Small Open Economy and Vertical (3-levels) Market. Additionally, DREAMpy allows users to perform sensitivity analysis of key variables for multiple regions.


DREAMpy was designed with portability in mind, and it works on Apple's macOS, Linux and Windows through a command line interface. However, for Windows, we provide a portable version that allows users to download the package and run DREAMpy directly without having to install any additional software on their Windows computers.



IFPRI Food Security Portal


Volatile food prices, climate-change-driven shocks, conflict, economic downturns, and high population growth continue to raise serious concerns about food security and nutrition in many parts of the world. The Food Security Portal (FSP), facilitated by IFPRI and supported by the European Commission, provides up-to-date data and information about dynamic developments in the world food system. The portal provides key data to monitor food security situations and food prices, as well as tools for policy analysis and capacity development – all with the aim of providing policymakers and other stakeholders with the information they need to make appropriate and timely responses to address food insecurity.



If you want to learn about differential equations, simulations and learn how to build epidemiological models such as the SIR and SEIR (Susceptible, Exposed, Infected and Recovered) models you can use the software Numerus MB. THere is a starter version that is free.


This tool allows application of system dynamics and spatial/agent models in the environmental sciences amongst other things. If you want to learn about using Numerus MB is by following the models implemented in the 2018 paper by Getz et al published in journnal Epidemics. The paper includes links in the appendix to Youtube videos explaining step by step how to do these models in Numerus MB.




El objetivo de esta herramienta es la evaluación del impacto económico de la adopción tecnologías resultantes de inversión en investigación y desarrollo. Usando datos proporcionados por el usuario y presupuestos sensibles de la tasa y tipo de adopción y tipo de mercado, DREAMpy puede calcular el valor actual neto de los beneficios económicos de productores, consumidores, gobierno y totales al igual que la tasa interna de retorno. 

DREAMpy es un software de código abierto que permite a los usuarios ingresar datos directamente y generar sus resultados en hojas de cálculo de Excel. Se basa en el software DREAM original e incluye navegación intuitiva y fácil de usar. DREAMpy puede simular cuatro modelos de mercado: mercado multimercado horizontal, economía cerrada, economía pequeña abierta y mercado vertical (3 niveles). Además, DREAMpy permite a los usuarios realizar análisis de sensibilidad de variables clave para múltiples regiones.

DREAMpy fue diseñado con la portabilidad en mente, y funciona en macOS, Linux y Windows de Apple a través de una interfaz de línea de comandos. Sin embargo, para Windows, ofrecemos una versión portátil que permite a los usuarios descargar el paquete y ejecutar DREAMpy directamente sin tener que instalar ningún software adicional en sus computadoras con Windows.

Pueden bajar el software junto con una serie de publicaciones usando DREAMpy aquí:



CMAP- Conceptual Mapping Software

For those interested, or better yet, for those of us who have a constant struggle with expressing concepts, definitions and relationships between concepts, this tool is for you (and your server). The tool is called CMAP. It is a free tool to create Concept Maps or graphic representations of concepts, developed by the Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC). I started using it to answer questions that interest me, but right now I am seeing the value to design PowerPoint presentations or others.


You can download the software here: 


An article by Cañas and Novak tells us that:

“Concept maps are graphic tools to organize and represent knowledge. They include concepts, generally enclosed in circles or squares of some kind, and relationships between concepts indicated by a connecting line linking two concepts. The words on the line, called linking words or linking phrases, specify the relationship between the two concepts. We define the concept as a perceived regularity or pattern in events or objects, or records of events or objects, designated by a label. The label for most concepts is a word, although sometimes we use symbols like + or%, and sometimes more than one word is used. Propositions are statements about some object or event in the universe, either naturally or constructed. Propositions contain two or more connected concepts using linking words or phrases to form a meaningful statement. Sometimes they are called semantic units, or units of meaning. ”


Sixth list item. Add your own content here or connect to data from your collection.


Seventh list item. Add your own content here or connect to data from your collection.

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